Saturday, July 28, 2012

Raise Money for Thoughts For Josh | YouCaring

Raise Money for Thoughts For Josh | YouCaring

Everyone and anyone who see's this, please share!!!!! Josh was in a terrible gas fire. We need all the help, love, prayers and thoughts we can get!!

Thank you!!!!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

This is our year!

Well we have reached 2012. So much has happened in the year 2011... not sure if I am excited for 2012 or not. I feel as though so much has happened or gone wrong in the last 2 years, that I am a little scared for what 2012 brings. All I know is I am so happy to have my family by our side. The last 2 years have been extremely hard. Growing up isnt easy. Losing friends, to unecessary stupidity. Losing loved ones, to unexpected deaths. Money situations. I have definitely been on a wild ride. I guess I wouldn't change any of it for the world. I know everything happening is just making me who I am, and will only continue to make me a stronger and better person. I am happy to say though, losing a friend might not be easy.. but there is always another door that has opened. Whether it be an old friend coming back into my life, or a new friend. Which I have had both happen in 2011. It just amazes me how life works, how people change and grow up, move on. And I can honestly say I am finally content with it.

We left 2011 content with our life, after all our struggles, we kept pushing through. For once things have started to look up for Josh and I. I know 2012 will  yet again have many more adventures.. One in particular I am very nervous and excited about. We will be hopefully going off on a new start, a fresh adventure to...


Wish us luck :) 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Thats right, Josh and I FINALLY got married! 
6 loooong awaited years and I'm finally:

Long engagement or short... hmmmm, SHORT :)
Why wait right? Been together for 6 years we were much too excited to wait. Living life on the edge! Haha. Planning went pretty well. Only had to get together with my mom and nana a few times. Easy right? Then again, I didn't even have to do much..

I had so much fun doing these with my friend Tierra. She did such a good job. I wasn't sure if having a small short dress would suffice. Seeing how most wedding dresses are long, big, poofy dresses. I'm unique I guess. "Summer dress" I tell people when they ask. "Bought for $1.70". Thats right, bargain shopper! What can I say, growing up with my family you just learn how to pick out the good deals!

I was super excited to do these. My friend Marissa first designed a few herself using pictures she had previously taken of Josh and I, but come time to print them they wouldn't work :( I ended up going to a place called accucolor. LOVED them! Didn't send out very many as we just had a small wedding. I loved how they turned out. For those of you who never got to see it, here it is:

In our own way, we woke up next to each other, had breakfast together...and he even drove me to my parents house. I wasn't too nervous..I was extremely excited, but a little sad as I was upset my Grandpa WIlliams and my dad's best friend Evan wouldn't be there. I cried all morning. Most people shouldn't cry sad tears on their wedding day! I miss them terribly.

First thing gone wrong - Forgot the dress! I had to call Josh to tell him to bring it to me.
Second thing gone wrong - None of our pictures were in any of the pictures frames that were suppose to displayed. None of them were even the right size. I had to hurry and cut and put them all in the best I could.
 Third thing gone wrong - I started getting ready late, typical girl :)
Fourth thing gone wrong - It started get really windy, we had to bring everyting inside my parents kitchen!
Fifth thing gone wrong - Started to rain! Haha, just my luck!
I knew my loved ones who are no longer here, were watching over me at that moment because soon the wind stopped and the sky was clearing up! Just in time for the ceremony. BUUUUT, then as I am standing listening to the old guy marry us, not being able to hear a word he's saying... my heel falls through the decorative tarp my parents had laid down. I almost gave the poor old man a heart attack. For one, my boobs were falling out of my dress already enough as it was. It was funny though. The rest of the night went pretty well. I don't remember much to be honest. I was too love struck to wanna pay attention to anything. Good thing I have a few pictures. Thanks to my friend Marissa!